About ME


mammadoo display picture profileA not-so-special Montessori mom to an exceptionally special lil’ fellow!

Mamma bear, Certified storyteller, Montessori guide, Happy Box creator, Reggio Emila inspired mom, writer, amateur artist, baker and couch potato… Phew, I definitely need six hands to get through a day!

As a mom and a Montessorian, I enjoy finding new ways to teach my little boy and other children around me. Storytelling has always been in my blood even before I started doing it professional. A merger of the two has resulted in the Happy Box. When I moved, I had 12 boxes filled with books – books right from my childhood to the present day. With Happy Box, I am on a mission to instill my love for reading in as many children as I possibly can.

Reading, learning, playing and making art – the crux of what goes into my Happy Boxes.

Even though I am the epitome of mom brain, my head is filled with utter randomness that makes complete sense to me in that very moment. Inspired by everything from nature to funny quotes and our oh-so-judgmental society, my reflections in my blog are just honest opinions and completely unbiased views on just about anything. 


Thank you for being a part of our journey. Welcome to the Happy Box Club!


XoXo Pree

If you’ve come this far and would like to know more about me Click here.